Introduction to System Properties in ServiceNow

Unknown | 04:30 | 0 comments

The behavior of a different modules in Service-now instance can be controlled by System Properties.
System Properties are just like global variables in general.  If we need  a variable value that should be available system-wide then it is a best practice to put that value in a system property so that we can use that property where ever required. In addition to that any changes to system property values later  can be managed easily.

It’s always a good idea to be aware of the different properties in the Service Now instance and How they function. Business rules, UI actions, UI pages  and other scripts depend  on system property values.Using a system property instead of a hard-coded value in server-side scripts makes the system easier to maintain and gives you the flexibility to make changes to the system's behavior without reprogramming with system property values

Standard System properties consist of following

1. Name
2. Application
3. Description
4. Type
5. Value
6. Roles

 ==> All system properties in ServiceNow instance are stored in System Property
            [sys_properties] table

How to open sys_properties table:

1. Go to Application Navigation section
2. Type sys_properties.list in filter box, it will automatically opens up the sys_properties table
3. We can add custom in sys_properties table

Creating or Editing a Property:

Most of the system properties can be found in your left navigation under the ‘System Properties’ application as shown above. ALL of the properties in the system are stored in the ‘sys_properties’ table and can be viewed and edited there by typing ‘sys_properties.list’ into the left navigation filter.
You can add a property to your system simply by creating a new record in the ‘sys_properties’ table

1. Enter sys_properties.list in the navigation filter.
2. The entire list of properties in the System Properties [sys_properties] table appears. 
3. Verify the property that you want to create does not already exist.
4. Click New
5. Complete the form as follows (see table)
6. Click Submit.  

 System Properties v/s Properties page:

System Properties and Properties page both allows  users to add values to particular property, but the difference is properties page allows you to set values diffrent properties from single page where as in System Properties we make changes to diffrent property records.

 It’s great to be able to modify properties from the properties table, but it’s a lot more convenient to make the edit through a properties page. Properties pages are what you get when you click on a module under the ‘System Properties’ application in the left navigation of your Service-now instance.
Properties pages are really just a URL that pulls together one or more System Property Categories into a single UI page to be viewed. You can create or modify these categories by navigating to ‘System Properties->Categories’. Here’s what one of the properties categories looks like for the Email settings out-of-box…

Please refer to ServiceNow hosted video on System Sroperties



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